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Llamas Sold
Only animals sold after 2018 are shown.
FMK Twenty-One Gun Salute (M)
BKL Hollyhock
Thank you Sandy, MI, for your purchase!
NFA's Rosario (F)
Thank you Sandy, MI, for your purchase!
BMLL Harley (G)
Thank you Sandy, MI, for your purchase!
MCFL Carson (M)
Thank you Sue, MI for your purchase of Carson!
FMK Starfire's Simba (M)
Thank you Sue, MI for your purchase of Simba!
Lazy Acres Kai
Sold!! Thank you Northern Charm Farms, MI
FMK Legend's Dawn (Fe)
Thank you Mary Smith, CT!!
Sold! Thank you Jennifer, MI
Sold! Thank you Jennifer, MI
Sold! Thank you Jennifer, MI
PVL Sleeping Beauty (Fe)
Sold! Thank you Rob, MI
ALA Legend's Jailbreak (M)
Sold! Thank you Bernadine, MI!
4L&M Merlot's Ego (M)
Sold! Thank you Amanda and Alexandria, IN!
Boom-Shocka-Locka (M)
Sold! Thank you Hope, MI
Stage Stop Nebula (Fe)
Sold! Thank you Douglas, PA
ALA Handfull of Independence (M)
Sold! Thank you Davina, VA
ALA Wayrah's Raydar (M)
Sold! Thank you Davina, VA
ALA Wayrah's Hand of Seraph (Fe)
Sold! Thank you Jo & Ron, WI
MSF Tipper (Fe)
Sold! Tipper is contributing to a good cause.
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